Thursday 27 November 2008

NEW INVENTION: PORTABLE GREGGS! (feat sport and convertable versions)


this is my insanely great idea for the future of sausage roll and other things distribution, the portable greggs! the idea is simple: make the store compact within a hyper time compression chamber (comes in small,medium,large and jumbo versions, medium version and spoiler on the right spoiler of the sport version below) and as A one-off, we are giving away sport and convertable versions of all mentioned above, hyper time compression chambers are coming to your local goods stores and supermarkets, as safety tip, we do not advise allowing small children near the device, as the contents are not %100 digestable (apart from the rolls themselves) and please do not be inside the building while packing it away, as it may cause severe damage to your entire life.

A new ridiculous invention sponsored by "MTV's pimp my sausage roll"